I am building a UWP App that plays Audio in the Background. I have successfully set it up and it's running with a simple play/pause Button.
Now I need to play Audio using a MediaElement control that has MediaTransportControls enabled. I have read that it is impossible to play Background Audio using Media Element. Here in this article they suggest using BackgroundMediaPlayer: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/e6bb37ec-49f7-4e5a-91ef-44ae3725a761/uwpbackground-audio-on-windowsphone-10-is-it-really-impossible-for-mediaelement?forum=wpdevelop&prof=required
Is it possible to use the same MediaTransportControls with BackgroundMediaPlayer? Or I have to create my own controls? A button, slider and Timer? Any example I didn't find?