This is a followup question from here: How to create 3 way data binding between angularFire 0.5.0 and latest ng-grid? where Kato nicely provided a solution:
var app = angular.module('app', ['firebase', 'ngGrid']);
var fb = new Firebase('https://nggrid-example.firebaseio-demo.com/');
app.controller('ctrl', function($firebase, $scope, orderByPriorityFilter) {
$scope.data = $firebase(fb);
$scope.myData = $firebase(fb);
$scope.$watchCollection('data', function() {
$scope.myData = orderByPriorityFilter($scope.data);
$scope.gridOptions = { data: 'myData',enableCellEditOnFocus: true };
However, this solution puts data nicely into my ng-grid, but if I edit any of the cells, changes are not automatically applied to firebase.
I have tried various ways, but none of them seem to work :
I have also tried angularFire event handlers such as .$on("change")
Tables I am creating will be edited by multiple users in real time.
Kato solution nicely converts firebase objects into arrays, but then I also need to find a way how to convert edited values in ng-grid to objects so I can store them in firebase on the fly.
if I add ng-blur="updateEntity(col, row)"
to my editableCellTemplate:
and then I add this :
$scope.updateEntity = function(col,row){
console logs out perfectly, but I also get this error:
Error: Firebase.set failed: First argument contains an invalid key ($id) in property 'targetScope'. Keys must be non-empty strings and can't contain ".", "#", "$", "/", "[", or "]"
P.S. I get this error only if I have this as well:
If I dont have this piece, then nothing is being saved to firebase (or atleast tried).
I finally found the solution !!
All that is needed to be done is adding this : ng-blur="updateEntity(col, row)"
to editableCellTemplate:
and then this:
$scope.updateEntity = function(col,row){
Now this: $scope.data.$set(row.entity.$id);
will not work, because it will replace THE WHOLE OF YOUR FIREBASE DATABASE with id (so a number, for example "0"). So always test it before using it! :)
Tadaaaa ! 3 way data binding!