This is a complete un compressed IP address 2001:0008:0000:CD30:0000:0000:0000:0101 I need to compress it like this 2001:8:0:CD30::101 But i was only able to compress the zeroes in blocks like this 2001:8:0:CD30:0:0:0:101 using this code
string output = "";
string a = textBox1.Text;
if (a.Length != 39 )
MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP please enter the IPv6 IP in this format 6cd9:a87a:ad46:0005:ad40:0000:5698:8ab8");
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
if ((a[i] >= '1' && a[i] <= '9') || (Char.ToLower(a[i]) >= 'a' && Char.ToLower(a[i]) <= 'f') || ((i + 1) % 5 == 0 && a[i] == ':'))
output = output + a[i];
else if ((a[i]=='0' && a[i-1]==':') || (a[i]=='0' && a[i-1]=='0' && a[i-2]==':') || (a[i]=='0' && a[i-1]=='0' && a[i-2]=='0' && a[i-3]==':'))
else if (a[i] == '0')
output = output + a[i];
MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP please enter the IPv6 IP in this format 6cd9:a87a:ad46:0005:ad40:0000:5698:8ab8");
textBox2.Text = output;
Im using c# but i only need the programming logic about how can whole blocks of zeroes be deleted the problem is there could be more then 1 group of blocks containing all zeros in an ip but only one should be abbreviated.
Was far more tricky than I expected, but here you got the way to do it with regular expressions:
private static string Compress(string ip)
var removedExtraZeros = ip.Replace("0000","*");
var blocks = ip.Split(':');
var regex = new Regex(":0+");
removedExtraZeros = regex.Replace(removedExtraZeros, ":");
var regex2 = new Regex(":\\*:\\*(:\\*)+:");
removedExtraZeros = regex2.Replace(removedExtraZeros, "::");
return removedExtraZeros.Replace("*", "0");