I'm using Sublime Text 2 and installed the RubyTest package. I'm trying to run a test using Command-Shift-R.
I also use rbenv for ruby and have installed gems using Bundler.
The output is:
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
The console shows the following command was run:
cd '/Users/user/Dropbox/code/app/' && rspec spec/controllers/profile_controller_spec.rb -l 163
When I run that command in Terminal, it works fine. Any why it wouldn't work in Sublime?
How are you starting the sublime?
Following url should help you in starting sublime from terminal, which should fix this problem http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/osx_command_line.html
To build upon Harun's correct answer:
- Set up subl for the command line per http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/osx_command_line.html
- Create a sublime project file per http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/projects.html (this file can be saved in any directory and called whatever you wish
- Open the project file using
subl --project name_of_your_project_file.sublime-workspace
Then when you run the tests inside sublime, it will know where to look.
I spent many hours struggling with this same problem! I could not get rspec to run within Sublime Text 2, using the Michael Hartl "Ruby on Rails Tutorial." It kept saying
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
I finally realized that the RubyTest package (https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests) was looking in the WRONG PLACE for my RVM! (Since you use rbenv, I will change my answer for this.)
On my Mac, the path for RubyTest is /Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby Test
First, to make RubyTest seek the rbenv, I changed the parameter in RubyTest.sublime-settings from
"check_for_rbenv": false, to "check_for_rbenv": true,
Then I dug into the Python code of run_ruby_test.py: https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests/blob/master/run_ruby_test.py
At line 129, inside class BaseRubyTask, it had the wrong path for my rbenv:
rbenv_cmd = os.path.expanduser('~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv')
I changed it to the full correct path: rbenv_cmd = os.path.expanduser('/usr/local/rvm/bin/rbenv')
If this is not your path, find the correct path by typing
"which rbenv" and substitute that instead.
After saving run_ruby_test.py, I went to Terminal, cd to my Rails application directory, and ran "spork"
Finally, I opened static_pages_spec.rb in Sublime Text 2. Now all the tests work from it!