I am using play framework 2.5. In my application i want to intercept each request to check whether any user exists or not in session of that request. if user does not exists then request redirect to the login page. So, my question is how can i achieve it in my application ?
Thank You very much in advance.
After you check for the appropriate user
I won't assume anything about your authentication strategy, but he're is a simple token-based authentication strategy I use when I want to intercept the user on each request.
object UserAuthenticator extends Controller {
case class UserAuthenticatedRequest[A](user: User, authToken: String, request: Request[A]) extends WrappedRequest(request)
def userAuthenticated[A](p: BodyParser[A])(f: UserAuthenticatedRequest[A] => Result) = {
Action(p) { implicit request =>
request.headers.get(AUTHORIZATION).map(_.split(" ")) match {
case Some(Array(k, v)) if k == "auth-token" => findUserByAuthToken(v).map(user => f(UserAuthenticatedRequest(user, v, request))).getOrElse(Unauthorized)
case _ => Unauthorized
def userAuthenticated(f: UserAuthenticatedRequest[AnyContent] => Result): Action[AnyContent] = {
Using the above, my controllers can do the following:
def myControllerMethod = userAuthenticated { request =>
You'll notice in my case I return Unauthorized
, but you could easily replace that with the redirect you're looking for.