I've a question about localization resources at windows-phone.
Let's say, I have a string in my Resources file, which should look like as:
This is some text. This value is bold. This one is italic.
And that all stored in a single string field. How could I define such text styles like bold or italic in the Resources itself? I know, I can predefine some custom fonts, like this:
<FontFamily x:Key="CustomBold">...</FontFamily>
and then add is as {StaticResource CustomBold}
in page, but that can be a solution if the whole text in string field is bold. And what if I want to make bold a single word in the middle of the phrase?
I want to use native c#-style Resources(i.e. string name -> string value), not writing different implementation.
When I needed something like this for iOS, I've implemented very basic BBCode-alike markup language with only a few tags: "[b]", "[/b]", "[[" and "]]" (in my project I didn't even needed the italic, only bold).
However, .NET doesn't have an analog of NSScanner class that I used to parse the syntax. Instead, it has much better support for parsing XML data. So, on WP7 it's easier to implement a very basic subset of XML, with just <b> and <i> tags supported. See the end of this page for sample code.
Here's how to add formatted text pieces into the WP7 TextBlock.
Update: OK, here's the complete solution for you:
enum eParseState: byte
bold = 1,
italic = 2,
// Sample input: "<txt>This is <i>some</i> text. <b>This value is <i>bold</i>.</b> This one is not.</txt>"
static void parseRichText( TextBlock tb, string xml )
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create( new StringReader( xml ), new XmlReaderSettings() { ConformanceLevel=ConformanceLevel.Fragment } );
eParseState state = 0;
var names = new Dictionary<string, eParseState>()
{ "b", eParseState.bold },
{ "i", eParseState.italic },
Action<bool> actElement = ( bool isOpening ) =>
string name = reader.Name.ToLower();
eParseState flag;
if( !names.TryGetValue( name, out flag ) ) return;
if( isOpening )
state |= flag;
state &= ( ~flag );
while( reader.Read() )
switch( reader.NodeType )
case XmlNodeType.Element:
actElement( true );
case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
actElement( false );
case XmlNodeType.Text:
var run = new Run() { Text = reader.Value };
if( 0 != ( state & eParseState.bold ) ) run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
if( 0 != ( state & eParseState.italic ) ) run.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
tb.Inlines.Add( run );
I've found a solution, but it looks quite clumsy.
The control, that should be used is RichTextBox.
In Windows Phone RichTextBox works a bit different, than in native .Net
To set different style for part of the text, we'd have to divide our single string:
So, let's imagine, that we've got a string field in Resources:
This is some text. This value is bold. This one is not.
Dividing it into three strings(yep, that's real clumsy):
- This is some text.
- This value is bold
- This one is not.
Then, in code we're working with RichTextBox rtb.
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
Bold bold = new Bold();
bold.Inlines.Add(new Run() { Text = _string2FromResources });
Run run = new Run();
run.Text = _string1FromResources;
Run run2 = new Run();
run2.Text = _string3FromResources;
That will really work. But the quality of implementation... Well, you got it. So I would really appreciate, if someone can add an example of better solution.