Updating a sub-form based on a list box selection

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-07 18:42:53


First of all I want to say that I have read other questions similar to this one but they don't solve the issue.

I have a form which contains a sub-form. The master form simply has a list box which displays all the entries in a table (only showing three fields from it though) and the sub-form is designed to show all the data associated with the record that is selected in the list box.

I have set the Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields to be ClientID (the table is for client information). When I first open the master form the sub-form displays the data for the first item in the list box but when I select a different item in the list box the sub-form does not update. I have tried using the Requery VBA method but without much success.

Does anyone have any hints at all?


Set the link master field to the name of the listbox. Ensure that the listbox returns a Client ID.

For example

 Row Source : SELECT ClientID, ClientName FROM Table
 Bound Column : 1
 Column Count : 2

 Link Master Fields : MyListBox
 Link Child Fields  : ClientID

Now, when the user selects a client from the listbox, the subform will update to data for that client.

