
What does the data in MSysQueries mean?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-01-29 04:08:06
问题 I've been using VBA to examine all the queries, forms, and modules in my Access 2000 database, but it can be quite tedious and slow. Recently, I decided to take a closer look at the system tables in Access, in particular, MSysQueries and MSysObjects. Can I use these tables to examine my objects in the database faster? Of course, these tables are read-only, so I can't make any modifications to the database through them without returning to VBA. What do the attributes in MSysQueries mean? 回答1:

SQL executes well in MS Access but not in C# when “Validation Rule” is set

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-25 01:49:26
问题 I am having a strange problem. I have written a query in MS Access which inserts a value perfectly in database when run from MS Access, but when same query is executed from C# then it shows the "Validation Text" as OleDbException and insert command fails. The "Validation Rule" is " @ .*" The column saves emails which should have one "@" and one dot "." after it. There is no problem when "Validation Rule" is removed and query is executed from C#. It only occurs when Validation Rule is set and

“Union Operation not allowed in sub query” is there a way to fix this in one single query?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-12 03:52:43
问题 This Query Dose NOT work in Access 2000 SELECT (Members.First_Name + " " + Members.Last_Name)AS Member, (SELECT Friend_E_Mail, FROM Friends,Members WHERE My_E_Mail = ? and Friend_E_Mail <> ? UNION ALL SELECT My_E_Mail,FROM Friends,Members WHERE Friend_E_Mail = ?and My_E_Mail <> ?) AS E_Mail , (Members.First_Name) AS Name FROM Members,Friends Sample Tables Members(all VARCHAR) SOME DATA First_Name Alester Jude Carl Jones Last_Name A B C J FRIENDS(ALL VARCHAR) My_E_Mail Alester

SQL Server rows not editable for Access after Insert

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-11 06:06:01
问题 I have this problem: I'm using a SQL Server 2008R2 backend and MS Access 2000 frontend where some tables are connected via ODBC. Following Structure (Tables all on SQL-Server): Import (not connected to Access) Products (connected via ODBC to Access) Pricing (connected via ODBC to Access) I want to fill the Pricing table automatically with some data from Products and Import. This is supposed to run as a SQL Agent job with a T-SQL script. I want to insert the data from "Products" with following

Access 2000 connecting to SQL Server 2005

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-10 22:24:27
问题 The company I work for has an old Access 2000 application that was using a SQL Server 2000 back-end. We were tasked with moving the back-end to a SQL Server 2005 database on a new server. Unfortunately, the application was not functioning correctly while trying to do any inserts or updates. My research has found many forum posts that Access 2000 -> SQL 2005 is not supported by Microsoft, but I cannot find any Microsoft documentation to verify that. Can anyone either link me to some official

Deleting data from Access with VBA

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-08 00:48:05
问题 I'm trying to delete every record from my current Access database in VBA where OTP = txtOTP.value and VARIABLE = {NomAdminContrats,TelAdminContrats,TelecAdminContrats, [...]} Here is my code: Dim query As Recordset Set query = CurrentDb.Execute("DELETE * FROM tb_SOMMAIRE WHERE OTP = '" & txtOTP.value & "' AND (VARIABLE = 'NomAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'TitreAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'UnitAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'AdrAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'VilleAdminContrats' or VARIABLE =

Updating a sub-form based on a list box selection

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-07 18:42:53
问题 First of all I want to say that I have read other questions similar to this one but they don't solve the issue. I have a form which contains a sub-form. The master form simply has a list box which displays all the entries in a table (only showing three fields from it though) and the sub-form is designed to show all the data associated with the record that is selected in the list box. I have set the Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields to be ClientID (the table is for client information).

Updating a sub-form based on a list box selection

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-06 05:16:51
First of all I want to say that I have read other questions similar to this one but they don't solve the issue. I have a form which contains a sub-form. The master form simply has a list box which displays all the entries in a table (only showing three fields from it though) and the sub-form is designed to show all the data associated with the record that is selected in the list box. I have set the Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields to be ClientID (the table is for client information). When I first open the master form the sub-form displays the data for the first item in the list box but

Deleting data from Access with VBA

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-06 05:16:00
I'm trying to delete every record from my current Access database in VBA where OTP = txtOTP.value and VARIABLE = {NomAdminContrats,TelAdminContrats,TelecAdminContrats, [...]} Here is my code: Dim query As Recordset Set query = CurrentDb.Execute("DELETE * FROM tb_SOMMAIRE WHERE OTP = '" & txtOTP.value & "' AND (VARIABLE = 'NomAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'TitreAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'UnitAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'AdrAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'VilleAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'TelAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'TelecAdminContrats' or VARIABLE = 'CourrielAdminContrats')") I got an

Send Raw Data to ZPL Printer using Visual Basic (MS Access 2000)

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-04 05:37:27
问题 This is all that I can find, none of them work. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Type DOCINFO pDocName As String pOutputFile As String pDatatype As String End Type Private Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal _ hPrinter As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EndDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal _ hPrinter As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EndPagePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal _ hPrinter As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenPrinter