If I have two Models that have a manytomany relationship with a through model, how do I get data from that 'through' table.
class Bike(models.Model):
nickname = models.CharField(max_length=40)
users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='bike.BikeUser')
The BikeUser class
class BikeUser(models.Model):
bike = models.ForeignKey(Bike)
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
comment = models.CharField(max_length=140)
And I would add a user to that bike (presuming I have a myBike and a myUser already)
BikeUser.objects.create(bike = myBike, user = myUser, comment = 'Got this one at a fancy store')
I can get all the users on 'myBike' with myBike.users.all() but how do I get the 'comment' property?
I would like to do something like
for myBikeUser in myBike.users.all():
print myBikeUser.comment
The through table is linked by standard ForeignKeys, so you do a normal ForeignKey lookup. Don't forget that there's a comment for each bikeuser, ie one for each bike/user pairing.
for myBikeUser in myBike.bikeuser_set.all():
print myBikeUser.comment, myBikeUser.user.first_name