How to arrange html widget plots in a grid for export as pdf?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-07 11:58:28


I would like to combine the richness of html widgets (mainly plotly and networkD3), with the possibility of arranging them as plots in a grid in R, to export them as pdf graphic for a publication. However, if I create some html widget objects in R and try to arrange them with gridExtra::grid.arrange() (see minimal example below) I get the following error:

Error in gList(list(x = list(links = list(source = c(0, 0), target = c(1,  : 
only 'grobs' allowed in "gList"

I searched for “converting html widgets to grobs or plots” to be able to arrange them in a grid, but could not find any relevant information. I could go the long manual way of first saving the html widget as a website with htmlwidgets::saveWidget(), then converting it to a pdf with webshot::webshot() and arranging the graphics manually with a vector graphic editor (such as Inkscape). But despite the manual effort, all the conversion steps might results in a decrease in quality.

Maybe I could somehow arrange the graphics in LaTeX R-Markdown document with tables or columns and specify the paper dimension to fit my plot. But somehow that feels neither like an ideal solution, since I might want to arrange my graphs dynamically in several columns and rows, add titles, ect., which would make the arrangement quite complex in LaTeX/knitr.

So before I embark on the journey of knitting everything manually together, I would like to ask whether you know a better way to arrange some html widgets plots and export them to pdf within R?

Minimal example

Here is a little minimal example to reproduce my problem. Let’s say my aim is a graph which compares the energy flow of two different processes with each other (Sankey diagrams with networkD3), by arranging them next to each other in a grid, like so: Exemplary arranged Sankey plots

This would be my code:


## Create simplified Data
dfSankey <- list()
dfSankey$nodes <- data.frame(Name = c("Final Energy","Conversion Losses","Useful Energy"))
#1st process
dfSankey$links1 <- data.frame(Source = c(0,0),Target=c(1,2),Value=c(30,70))
#2nd process
dfSankey$links2 <- data.frame(Source = c(0,0),Target=c(1,2),Value=c(10,60))

## Draw Sankeys
plSankey1 <- sankeyNetwork(Links = dfSankey$links1, Nodes = dfSankey$nodes, Source = 'Source',
                          Target = 'Target', Value = 'Value', NodeID = 'Name')
plSankey2 <- sankeyNetwork(Links = dfSankey$links2, Nodes = dfSankey$nodes, Source = 'Source',
                           Target = 'Target', Value = 'Value', NodeID = 'Name')

#Arrange them next to each other

This results in the error message mentioned in the beginning.

Windows 7, R-Studio 0.99.903, R version 3.2.3, grid 3.2.3, gridExtra 2.2.1, networkD3 0.2.13


After the inspiration of Amit Kohli I started experimenting with flexdashboard, all kinds of Rmarkdown formats (html, pdf, isolides, ...), Rpresentations - but all of them had some drawbacks compared to my target.

In my opinion the best visual results can be achieved with a shiny app. Then saving the resulting website as pdf with chrome and finally croping the pdf with briss.


## Create simplified Data
dfSankey <- list()
dfSankey$nodes <- data.frame(Name = c("Final Energy","Conversion Losses","Useful Energy"))
#1st process
dfSankey$links1 <- data.frame(Source = c(0,0),Target=c(1,2),Value=c(30,70))
#2nd process
dfSankey$links2 <- data.frame(Source = c(0,0),Target=c(1,2),Value=c(10,60))

# Define UI for application that draws two Sankeys in columns
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(column(6,
                               h2("Process 1", align = "center"),
                               h2("Process 2", align = "center"),

# Define server logic required to draw the sankeys
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {

    #Render plot area relative to flow height
    output$plot1.ui <- renderUI({
      sankeyNetworkOutput("Plot1", height = "400px")
    output$plot2.ui <- renderUI({
      sankeyNetworkOutput("Plot2", height=paste0(400*(70/100),"px"))

    #Render Sankeys
   output$Plot1 <- renderSankeyNetwork({
     sankeyNetwork(Links = dfSankey$links1, Nodes = dfSankey$nodes, Source = 'Source',
                   Target = 'Target', Value = 'Value', NodeID = 'Name', fontSize = 15, nodeWidth = 10)

   output$Plot2 <- renderSankeyNetwork({
     sankeyNetwork(Links = dfSankey$links2, Nodes = dfSankey$nodes, Source = 'Source',
                   Target = 'Target', Value = 'Value', NodeID = 'Name', fontSize = 15, nodeWidth = 10)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Still feels a bit like a overkill to write a shiny app and doing all this manual converting just for arranging two html widget figures in a pdf, but at least the resulting pdf picture looks very pleasing.

I hope this might help others too.

