Javascript Intellisense not showing everything

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-07 07:33:35


Brainstorming needed. I have a problem with Javascript libraries (jQuery, ExtJS etc.) that don't seem to play well along with Javascript Intellisense built in Visual Studio 2008. They provide certain utility helper functions that intellisense fails to understand.

ie. ExtJS code

// convenience function to create namespace object placeholders

or jQuery

// doing the same thing in jQuery
$.extend(window, {
   Root: {
      Sub: {
         Subsub: {}

or even (I pitty thou that shalt maintain this code)

$.extend(window, { Root: {}});
$.extend(Root, { Sub: {}});
$.extend(Root.Sub, { Subsub: {}});

The end result of these calls is basically the same. None of them would make Root namespace visible to Javascript Intellisense in Visual Studio 2008. If we would know how intellisense works under the hood we could probably be able to overcome this situation.

Is it possible to convince Intellisense to display/recognise these namespaces, without writing objects directly like:

Root = {
   Sub: {
      Subsub: {}

I admit that the first jQuery call is quite similar to this one, but it's better to use extend functionality to prevent removing/overwriting existing functionality/namespaces.


How should we use these utility functions to make Intellisense work?
Any brainstorming answer that would shed some light on this is welcome?


I've found out that namespaces created with utility functions are shown if they are defined outside (ie. in a different script file) and you make a reference to that file like:

/// <reference path="different.script.file.js" />

In this case everything's fine. But if you call utility functions within the same file, they're not listed in intellisense drop down list.


As far as jQuery goes: Take a look at this blog post. This post is a good read as well.

I've tried a bunch of stuff to make Visual Studio recognize JavaScript objects and namespaces--the only solution I've found that works reliably is what you've mentioned yourself:

var RootNamespace = {
   SubNamespace: {
      SubSubNamespace: {}


Developer 1 writes:

var RootNamespace = {
   SubNamespace: {
      SubSubNamespace: {}

Developer 2 extends:

RootNamespace.SubNamespace.AnotherSubNamespace = {
    alertHelloWorld: function ()
        alert("Hello World!");



These utility methods actually work if you use them in a different script file and reference it in the one you would like to use those namespaces.

File1.js (assumes we have a custom jquery extension $.ns() that registeres new namespaces)

$.ns("Project.Controls", "Project.Pages", "Project.General.Utilities");


/// <reference path="File1.js" />

// use custom namespaces
Project.Controls.InfoWindow = function(){

in File2.js we would have complete intellisense support for custom namespaces.


We have to create namespaces elsewhere because I can't seem to make it work within the same script file.


VS2008 looeses intelisense even if you declare the object as standard js and then try to extend it:

var opt = {
    SomeProperty: 1,
    SomeFunction: function(name,age) {}

opt = jQuery.extend(true, module.options, jQuery.extend(true, {}, opt, module.options));
op.SomeFunction("John", 20) // doesn't intelisense anymore

In order to get around this we need to move the extending operation on a function:

var opt = {
    SomeProperty: 1,
    SomeFunction: function(name,age) {}

function extendOptions() {
    opt = jQuery.extend(true, module.options, jQuery.extend(true, {}, opt, module.options));

op.SomeFunction("John", 20) // now the intelisense works as expected

