Using protractor with ng-upgrade

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-07 07:03:10


I am working on migrating my AngularJS (1.6) app to Angular (4) and now have a hybrid application, bootstrapped with NgUpgrade.

However, this seems to have completely broken my Protractor tests.

Failed: Timed out waiting for asynchronous Angular tasks to finish after 11 seconds. This may be because the current page is not an Angular application. Please see the FAQ for more details:

While waiting for element with locator - Locator: By(css selector, .toggle-summary-button)

Hybrid app changes

The application seems to run fine, and both AngularJS and Angular components are working as expected. The changes I made in the bootstrapping process are:

1 Removed ng-app from html tag:

<html lang="en" *ng-app="myapp">

2 Added an AppModules (@NgModule) etc.

3 Used NgUpgrade to bootstrap the app:

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { UpgradeModule } from '@angular/upgrade/static';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule).then(platformRef => {
  const upgrade = platformRef.injector.get(UpgradeModule) as UpgradeModule;
  upgrade.bootstrap(document.body, ['myapp'], {strictDi: true});

Protractor tests

Based on the error above, the problem seems to be related to whatever Protractor does when it is waiting for Angular. I have a beforeEach block which loads the login page, fills in the details and logs in. Weirdly it is still opening the page and entering text into the username field, but then it fails to go any further.

I can't understand why this is any different and no amount of changing things around seems to help, so any guidance would be most welcome!

I have tried, with no success:

  • adding "rootElement: 'body'" to my protractor config file
  • adding "ng12Hybrid: true" to my protractor config file - I get a message saying that it should no longer be needed as it auto detects.
  • increasing the allScriptsTimeout setting from 11000 to 60000 and it still times out.
  • turning off the waitForAngularEnabled setting. This solves the problem with the login fields, but then none of my http mocks work and the tests fail.


What is funny is I asked the exact same question (+github) 15 months ago about angular 1 to angular 2:

Protractor + Hybrid Angular 1+2 Application = Fail

Without any solution I rolled back to angular 1. Today we decided to try again to move up from angular 1 to 4 like you, and landed on your question because we still have the exact same problem...

Well, not so funny actually... I can't understand why a so important feature is put apart like that. AngularJs was supposed to be actively maintained because of the breaking change to Angular 2+! It's a little disappointing (sorry for those expecting an real answer, I will post if updates)...

Edit: I went to React

