I have a accordion menu which is developed with pure css3. Currently it is opening the menu when hover on it but I want it to be opened on click. Ho do I achieve this?
One more help. Currently content div is in the right side of the heading but I need that to be opened in the left side.
And content div should have auto width based on the content.
Here is the DEMO
$('h3','.horizontalaccordion ul li').on('click',function() {
I think that you not just need a click but also would like to close the previously opened panels, then please check out this code:
$('h3','.horizontalaccordion ul li').click(function() {
$('*[class*=hover]').removeClass('hover'); // close all opened tabs
$(this).closest('li').addClass('hover'); // open the currently clicked one
jsFiddle Example
I hope that works for you!