I would like to be able to cross-reference a table or figure in a word document using the officer R package.
I have come across these materials so far but they do not seem to have a solution: https://davidgohel.github.io/officer/articles/word.html#table-and-image-captions and a similar question add caption to flextable in docx
In both of these I can only insert a caption as a level 2 header and not a true table caption.
What I want to be able to do in Word is Insert -> Cross-reference and go to Reference type: Table and see my caption there. Right now I can only see the caption under Numbered item.
Does this functionality exist in officer or anywhere else?
In word, the table numbers use the { SEQ \\@ arabic }
pattern, but references to them use { REF bookmark \h }
. We can use this to make new code which can reference a SEQ field.
ft <- regulartable(head(iris)) # create flextable
str <- paste0(' REF ft \\h ') # create string to be used as reference to future bookmark
doc <- read_docx() %>%
body_add_par('This is my caption' , style = 'Normal') %>% # add caption
slip_in_seqfield(str = "SEQ Table \\@ arabic",
style = 'Default Paragraph Font',
pos = "before") %>% # add number for table
body_bookmark('ft') %>% # add bookmark on the number
slip_in_text("Table ",
style = 'Default Paragraph Font',
pos = "before") %>% # add the word 'table'
body_add_flextable(value = ft, align = 'left') %>% # add flextable
body_add_break() %>% # insert a break (optional)
slip_in_text('As you can see in Table',
style = 'Default Paragraph Font',
pos = 'after') %>% # add the text you want before the table reference
slip_in_seqfield(str = str,
style = 'Default Paragraph Font',
pos = 'after') %>% # add the reference to the table you just added
slip_in_text(', there are a lot of iris flowers.',
style = 'Default Paragraph Font',
pos = 'after') %>% # add the rest of the text
print('Iris_test.docx') # print
Hope this helps :)