I'm using keras 2.0.6. The version of tensorflow is 1.3.0.
My code can run with theano backend, but failed with tensorflow backend:
F tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.cc:241] Check failed: size >= 0 (-14428307456 vs. 0)
I was wondering if anyone can thought of any possible reason that might cause this.
Thank you!
I tested exactly the same code on my PC with tensorflow. It runs perfectly.
However, it throw out this error when I run it on a Supercomputer.
Although this error looks like overflow, there is no way that it didn't overflow on my PC, but overflow on a supercomputer.
I suspect that it comes from a bug on tensorflow for distributed computation.
it came out the same bug, but it ran ok after that I shrimped the batch size.
I think the reason is it running out of GPU memories.