i've been unsuccessfully attempting to create my own undo/redo classes that work well with any type of possible undo and redo commands.
for example, my simple class works perfectly with undoing/redoing x and y positions of display objects or undoing/redoing values of sliders, etc., but things get dicey when i try to tailor my classes to also work with things like adding and removing items to a list.
is there any well known and well documented solution for general undoing and redoing for actionscript (without Flex)?
There are specific design patters for this kind of stuff in AS3
Please check the following links: http://lucamezzalira.com/2010/01/12/memento-pattern-in-actionscript-3-undoredo/
you can also check Command pattern, which is the de-facto standard ,irrespective of the programming language, it would give you the basics.
Incase you face any issues, please feel free to comment.