Connecting to SQLServer 2005 with adodbapi

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-07 03:04:15


I'm very new to Python and I have Python 3.2 installed on a Win 7-32 workstation. Trying to connect to MSSQLServer 2005 Server using adodbapi-, the latest update to that package.

The code/connection string looks like this:

conn = adodbapi.connect('Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=XXX;Data Source=123.456.789');

From adodbapi I continually get the error (this is entire error message from Wing IDE shell):

Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Program Files\Wing IDE 4.0\src\debug\", line 2, in if name == 'main': File "D:\Python32\Lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 298, in connect raise InterfaceError #Probably COM Error adodbapi.adodbapi.InterfaceError:

I can trace through the code and see the exception as it happens.

I also tried using conn strings with OLEDB provider and integrated Windows security, with same results.

All of these connection strings work fine from a UDL file on my workstation, and from SSMS, but fail with the same error in adodbapi.

How do I fix this?


Try this connection string:

Initial Catalog=XXX; Data Source=<servername>\\<SQL Instance name>; Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI


Umm ok. Looking at the source for adodbapi I would have to say that you are suffering a COM error. (yeah I know the traceback says that). But specifically with initialising the relevant COM objects.

This means that your connection string has nothing to do with the traceback. I think a good place to start would be to make sure that your copy of pythoncom is up-to-date.

It could be that win32com/pythoncom does not support Python 3K (3.0 onwards) yet, but after a minute of googleing I have not found anything useful on that, I'll leave it to you.

This code should run successfully when you have fixed your problem (and should fail at the moment).

import win32com.client
import pythoncom

Also any exception that code throws would be useful to help debug your problem.


In case anyone else finds this thread looking for the resolution to a similar error that I saw with Python 2.7:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    connection = get_connection(r"XXX\YYY", "DB")
  File "", line 7, in get_connection
    conn = adodbapi.connect(connstring)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\adodbapi\", line 116, in connect
    raise api.OperationalError(e, message)
adodbapi.apibase.OperationalError: (InterfaceError("Windows COM Error: Dispatch('ADODB.Connection') failed.",), 'Error opening connection to "Data Source=XXX\\YYY; Initial Catalog=DB; Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI"')

In my case the simple solution was to install Python for Windows Extensions (pywin32) from here:


I had the same problem, and I tracked it down to a failure to load win32com.pyd, because of some system DLLs that was not in the "dll load path", such as msvcp100.dll

I solved the problem by copying a lot of these dll's (probably too many) into C:\WinPython-64bit-\python-3.3.3.amd64\Lib\site-packages\win32

