I have three tables: contacts, domains, and contacts_domains, which form a many-to-many relationship.
I would like to run a query that updates the contacts_domains table, but only for domains that have exactly one contact.
I know how to SELECT the rows I'm interested in, but not how to UPDATE them.
SELECT domain_id, contact_id, dominant
FROM contacts_domains
GROUP BY domain_id
HAVING COUNT(contact_id) = 1
I want to set contacts_domains.dominant = 1 for all these results.
The simplest solution:
UPDATE contacts_domains cd SET cd.dominant = 1
WHERE cd.id IN (
SELECT dominant_id
FROM contacts_domains
GROUP BY domain_id
HAVING COUNT(contact_id) = 1
I had problem like this. Try with joining with table make with select:
UPDATE contacts_domains cd,
(SELECT id FROM contacts_domains GROUP BY domain_id
HAVING COUNT(contact_id) = 1) AS cdtmp
SET cd.dominant = 1
WHERE cd.id = cdtmp.id
Hope it will help