How to make my collision check with Intersect between rectangles to work?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-06 16:59:04


EDIT:here is the full code: Any possible help is highly appreciated!

I am trying to make a copy of the breakout game, but I have problems with checking if two objects (the ball and paddle) intersects.

I have this method for collision detection for now:

public static void handleCollisions()

        System.out.println(ball.getBounds());        // just to check that they                  
        System.out.println(paddle.getBounds());      //are there and moving correct

        if (ball.getBounds().intersects(paddle.getBounds()))

I'm pretty sure the getBounds works as they should since I get these outputs from the println: java.awt.Rectangle[x=393,y=788,width=14,height=14] java.awt.Rectangle[x=350,y=350,width=100,height=10]

getBounds code:
    public static Rectangle getBounds()
        return new Rectangle(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);                     

and I can see them moving at one point they are overlapping, but the method never detects it.

I'm pretty new to this so hopefully its just some stupid mistake somewhere, and any help is appreciated. I can post some more code if necessary, but would prefer to not.



As you can see the second rectangle's y/height 350/10 but the first's y=788

Obviously they have no intersection one is above another

UPDATE One more thing

public static Rectangle getBounds()
    return new Rectangle(x, y, radius*2, radius*2);                     

If x and y are the ball's center the code should be

public static Rectangle getBounds()
    return new Rectangle(x-radius, y-radius, radius*2, radius*2);                     

