Uitable over whole window width

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-06 16:19:17

A possible solution could be to set both the position of the figure and of the table to normalized, then to set the position of the table to [0 0 1 1]

f = figure
set(f,'position',[0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5])
data = rand(13);
for i=1:length(data)
   col_names{i}=['Col. # ' int2str(i)];
for i=1:length(data)
   row_names{i}=['Row. # ' int2str(i)];
t = uitable(f, 'Data', data,'unit','normalized', ...
   'Position', [0 0 1 1],'columnname',col_names, ...

You need to set the uitable's position property when you initialize it.

First, get the position of the uitable's parent object. That could be a uipanel or a figure. Assume hParent is a handle to the uitable's parent.

parentPosition = get(hParent, 'position');

Then, create your position vector for the new uitable, and use the parent's width and height. You might want to subtract a few pixels for padding. I'll subtract two pixels here.

uitablePosition = [x y parentPosition(3)-2 parentPosition (4)-2];

You can probably set x and y to 1 or 2 as well, depending on where the table is positioned.

uitable( ... 'units','pixels','position', uitablePosition )

You can implement the same idea in your figure's resize function.
