TIB Custom Storage

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-12-06 16:01:13

ArbitraryUserPointer is an internal field not for general use. The operating system uses it internally, and if you overwrite it, you will corrupt stuff. I concede that it has a very poor name.


In case you're still for an answer, I've had the same problem too and posted my question, similar to yours:

Thread-local storage in kernel mode?

I need a TLS-equivalent in the kernel-mode driver. To be exact, I have a deep function call tree which originates at some point (driver's dispatch routine for instance), and I need to pass the context information.

In my specific case the catch is that I don't need a persistent storage, I just need a thread-specific placeholder for something for a single top-level function call. Hence I decided to use an arbitrary entry in the TLS array for the function call, and after it's done - restore its original value.

You get the TLS array by the following:

DWORD* get_Tls()
    return (DWORD*) (__readfsdword(0x18) + 0xe10);

BTW I have no idea why the TIB is usually accessed by reading the contents of fs:[0x18]. It's just pointed by the fs selector. But this is how all the MS's code accesses it, hence I decided to do this as well.

Next, you choose an arbitrary TLS index, say 0.

const DWORD g_dwMyTlsIndex = 0;

void MyTopLevelFunc()
    // prolog
    DWORD dwOrgVal = get_Tls()[g_dwMyTlsIndex];
    get_Tls()[g_dwMyTlsIndex] = dwMyContextValue;


    // epilog
    get_Tls()[g_dwMyTlsIndex] = dwOrgVal;

void DoSomething()
    DWORD dwMyContext = get_Tls()[g_dwMyTlsIndex];