I am building application with interactive console interface (line htop, atop utilities) using urwid
library, so my trouble is: as interface takes all the space in console window - I could not see python's errors, I tried to do that:
import sys
f = open("test_err", "w")
original_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = f
print a #a is undefined
sys.stderr = original_stderr
It works when I dont use urwid, but not when I use it...
you could try redirecting errors to a file. after each time you run the program, you will need to refresh the file. most editors let you easily do this by pushing f5
def main():
#your code here
print someError #raises an error
try: #run main function
except BaseException as err: #catch all errors
with open('errors.txt','a') as errors: #open a file to write the errors to
errors.write(err.message+'\n')#write the error
change the 'a' to 'w' in the open function if you only want to see one error in the file at a time (instead of having multiple error over a long period of time in one file).
if you want to see the error right when it happens, you can make the error catcher open a window that has the error on it.
def main():
#your code here
print someErr
try: #run main function
except BaseException as err: #catch all errors
import Tkinter as tk #imports the ui module
root = tk.Tk() #creates the root of the window
#creates the text and attaches it to the root
window = tk.Label(root, text=err.message)
#runs the window
if you want to build your own window to catch errors, you can learn about Tkinter here. (it is built into python, you don't have to install anything)
Here's what I came up with. I'm taking advantage of unicode-rxvt (urxvt) feature to be passed in a file descriptor. Of course this means you need to be developing this in an X environment, and not a console.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from datetime import datetime
_debugfile = None
def _close_debug(fo):
def DEBUG(*obj):
"""Open a terminal emulator and write messages to it for debugging."""
global _debugfile
if _debugfile is None:
import atexit
masterfd, slavefd = os.openpty()
pid = os.fork()
if pid: # parent
_debugfile = os.fdopen(slavefd, "w+", 0)
atexit.register(_close_debug, _debugfile)
else: # child
os.execlp("urxvt", "urxvt", "-pty-fd", str(masterfd))
print(datetime.now(), ":", ", ".join(map(repr, obj)), file=_debugfile)
This will open a new terminal window automatically when you call DEBUG for the first time and close it at exit. Then any messages passed to it are shown in this new window. This is your "debug window". So your main app works normally, without cluttering it up with messages, but you can still see debug output in this new terminal.