Which module do I need when I got error info “Can't locate getopts.pl in @INC…”

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-06 15:34:23

It's Perl4::CoreLibs. In general the Debian package libthis-that-perl corresponds to a module named This::That, although it's up to you to figure out the capitalization :)

I'm not sure how the package manager works with macOS, but a platform-independent way of installing the getopts package.

To answer the question you put as a comment to the answer from @hobbs, the way I searche for a module I need is either through the site that @hobbs linked, https://metacpan.org, or, alternatively, http://search.cpan.org. It was at the second that I found what I needed.

Searching for getopts.pl gave a link to "Perl4::CoreLibs". In the upper-right-hand corner, there was a link that said Perl4-CoreLibs-0.003.tar.gz (though it looks like there is a 0.004 now). I right-clicked and selected "copy link address", which gave me


Whatever your link is, you'll need to untar it and find all the *.pl files in the lib directory into a directory, and either

1) Link to them from the command line, e.g.

perl -I /path/to/where/you/untarred/lib ~/Desktop/blif2cnf.pl


2) Add them to your PERLLIB environment variable.

I think that more details will be helpful.

Detailed Instructions

Figure out a directory where you want to download your *.pl files. I used $HOME/new_perl_stuff

cd ~

mkdir new_perl_stuff

cd new_perl_stuff

Now, get the tarball

wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004.tar.gz

untar it, go into the directory, and make sure lib is there

$ tar -xzf Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004.tar.gz

$ cd Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004

$ ls

You should see lib in the list.

It's possible to add your newly downloaded lib directory (in my case, $HOME/new_perl_stuff/Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004/lib) to the perl search path, but this just makes me worry about another directory that I might delete at some time. I made a new folder in the /usr/lib directory. I decided to name the new directory libperl4-corelibs-perl, since that seemed standard. First, I checked to make sure that there wasn't already a directory with that name.

$ stat /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl
stat: cannot stat '/usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl': No such file or directory

Then I made the directory.

mkdir /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl

The next step was copying all the *.pl files into this directory. I hope to explain this next command later. I ran it this way to make sure all of the files I needed were there. From my $HOME/new_perl_stuff/Perl4-CoreLibs-0.004 directory, I ran the following command, which I plan to come back and explain.

find ./lib -type f -name "*.pl" -print0 | xargs -I'{}' -0 \
bash -c 'new_dir=/usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl/; chmod +x {}; \
echo "Moving {}"; mv {} ${new_dir} && echo -e "success\n" || \
echo -e "failure\n"' | tee moving_day.log

Run that one if you want to see that everything got copied successfully. A shorter command that does everything necessary is:

find ./lib -type f -name "*.pl" -print0 | xargs -I'{}' -0 \
bash -c 'new_dir=/usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl/; chmod +x {}; \
mv {} ${new_dir}'  

It's not a bad idea to run

ls -lah /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl

to check that the *.pl files are there.

You can now run

perl -I /usr/lib/libperl4-corelibs-perl ~/Desktop/blif2cnf.pl

but there's an easier way.

Finally, I made it so that this directory will become part of the perl search path every time I use a terminal by adding the following line to my ~/.bashrc This command adds the path to the PERLLIB environment variable. Different flavors of Linux have different syntax for adding to environment variables, make sure to find out what yours is!

export PERLLIB="/usr/bin/libperl4-corelibs-perl:$PERLLIB"

The commands I ran for this were

$ echo -e "\n\n## allow Perl to use the files in Perl4::CoreLibs" >> $HOME/.bashrc

$ echo -e "export PERLLIB=\"/usr/lib/libperl4_corelibs_perl:$PERLLIB\"" >> $HOME/.bashrc

$ source .bashrc

Now, you can simply run

perl ~/Desktop/blif2cnf.pl

Note: It's probably a good idea to go back and remove unwanted extras:

rm -rf $HOME/new_perl_stuff