javascript Regex split UpperCase from lowerCase

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-06 15:11:38

indexOf doesn't accept a rgex, you can use a .replace like this.

You can use:

var repl = str.replace(/\B([a-z](?=[A-Z])|[A-Z](?=[a-z]))/g, '$1 ');

RegEx Demo

RegEx Breakup:

  • \B: Asserts positions where word boundary doesn't
  • (: Start capturing group #1
    • [a-z](?=[A-Z]): Match lowercase letter if there is a uppercase letter ahead
    • |: OR
    • [A-Z](?=[a-z]): Match uppercase letter if there is a lowercase letter ahead
  • ): End closing group #1

You might try this, capture words that are made of more than one upper case letters (as one group) and lower case letters (as another group) and then add a space between the two groups:

var str = new Array( 
"Inverted HFFSfor Primary Wrap Or Secondary Multi Wrap",
"HFFSwith PDSPbackgroud Feederlense & Product Alignerigit",
"HFFSwith Cooler JKLHbetween Feeder & Product Aligner")

console.log( => s.replace(/([A-Z]{2,})([a-z]+)/g, "$1 $2"))