CSS Pie not working with correct path to file

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-06 14:46:28

The path in behavior: url(...); must be relative to the HTML file in which you are using that style, not relative to the CSS file!

You must link your PIE.php (or PIE.htc, but PIE.php is better because this include PIE.htc and you have not problem with .htaccess file) from file where you include CSS file (CSS where you are using PIE).

My situation which work: behavior: url(funkce/PIE.php);

Tree (this files/folders is on same level):
Font (folder)
funkce (folder)
img (folder)
template (folder)
slash_something.php (file)

In template folder I have folder css and in it I have CSS file where use PIE. PIE.php file I have in folder "funkce". => I muset link "funkce/PIE.php" => in your situation a tip on - behavior: url(css/pie/PIE.htc);
