How do I properly configure conditional actions with user input in VBS with MsgBox?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-06 14:39:40

Give this example a try:

Option Explicit
Dim Title,Question
Title = "user input in VBS with MsgBox"
Question = MsgBox("Proceeding will wipe the contents of your C: Drive. Proceed ?",vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
If Question = vbYes Then
    MsgBox "We proceed wipping your C:\ drive",vbExclamation,Title
    'Call your sub here to continue proceeding your script
    MsgBox "Canceling the operation !",vbCritical,Title
End If

For more information about MsgBox Constants


While @Hackoo's answer is technically correct it doesn't answer the initial question, so I'll attempt to here.

The reason for the error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error: Expected 'End'

is due to the If statement spanning more then one line without an End If to finish the statement block, as in @Hackoo's example adding End If will correct this error.

If for whatever reason you wanted to keep the syntax condensed you weren't far away you had two options;

  1. Put the If statements all on one line

    Option Explicit
    Dim vbsmsg
    vbsmsg = MsgBox("Proceeding will wipe the contents of your C: Drive. Proceed?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Format Drive C:")
    If vbsmsg = vbYes Then Call MsgBox("The contents of your C: Drive could not be successfully deleted.", vbExclamation, "Error Formatting Drive C: - System Error 5")
    If vbsmsg = vbNo Then Call MsgBox("Not all of the contents of your C: Drive were successfully deleted. Please try again.", vbCritical, "Error Formatting Drive C: - System Error 303")

    which can be a little ugly looking at sometimes hard to follow (but that's just my opinion).

  2. Use the Line Continuation Character (_) to allow a single statement to span multiple lines, in VBScript this is also known as a Statement Break.

    Option Explicit
    Dim vbsmsg
    vbsmsg = MsgBox("Proceeding will wipe the contents of your C: Drive. Proceed?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Format Drive C:")
    If vbsmsg = vbYes Then _
        Call MsgBox("The contents of your C: Drive could not be successfully deleted.", vbExclamation, "Error Formatting Drive C: - System Error 5")
    If vbsmsg = vbNo Then _
        Call MsgBox("Not all of the contents of your C: Drive were successfully deleted. Please try again.", vbCritical, "Error Formatting Drive C: - System Error 303")

As already mentioned it goes without saying that you should endeavour to use the VBScript Named Constants in code wherever possible instead of hard coded numeric values.
