In grails 3 application, I see that new java.time classes are persisted to database. Dynamic queries and create criteria works. However, I am wondering if there is some better way how to store these time data to database. When I look to database I see some binary data, it seems it just serialize the time objects.
Is there any similar plugin as joda-time-plugin or is there any way how to configure database mapping for java.time classes?
Edit: Grails 3.1.1 has hibernate 5 so this is not an issue anymore...
I finally found a solution. First of all hibernate 5 implements persistent for java 8 time ( However, grails 3 uses hibernate 4 and I haven't found any plans to upgrade hibernate in grails.
There is an implementation for java 8 time hibernate user types (jadira extended package) which can be used similarly as in joda time plugin (see For me only version 3.1.0.GA and lower worked.
dependencies {
compile "org.jadira.usertype:usertype.extended:3.1.0.GA"
grails.gorm.default.mapping = {
"user-type" type: org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.threeten.PersistentInstantAsMillisLong, class: java.time.Instant