I'm trying to iterate through a Model collection in volt:
{% if model.elements|length > 0 %}
{% for element in model.getElements() %}
{% include "partials/panels/edit-" ~ element.getType() ~ ".volt" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The type can be text or images. If i use the above code, i get the error:
View '/path/to/phalcon/apps/frontend/views/partials/panels/edit-image.volt' was not found in the views directory
I'm sure that the file exists, since if i changethe include, it'll work:
{% include "partials/panels/edit-image.volt" %}
It'll also fail on:
{% include "partials/pandels/edit-" ~ "image.volt %}
What is the reason that the first version is producing that error? ( I know i could just use ifs.. But theres quite a list of element types later on. )
This will not work.
To include view dynamically use partial
{% if model.elements|length > 0 %}
{% for element in model.getElements() %}
{{ partial( "partials/panels/edit-" ~ element.getType() ) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
There is no '.volt'
since partial
will add it.