SQL to return the rownum of a specific row? (using Oracle db)

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-06 10:18:45

I suspect what you want is to use an analytic function (RANK, DENSE_RANK, or ROW_NUMBER), i.e.

  FROM (select dog.id as dogId,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY dog.codename ASC ) rnk
          from CANINES dog )
 WHERE dogId = 206

If the ID column in the CANINES table were not unique, RANK, DENSE_RANK, and ROW_NUMBER) would treat ties differently.

If you want to do this solely with ROWNUM,

  FROM (
        SELECT dogId, rownum rn
          FROM (select dog.id as dogId
                  from CANINES dog 
                 order by dog.codename ASC) inner
       ) middle
 WHERE dogId = 206

If you're after the unique identifier of each row in the table you need ROWID, not ROWNUM.

ROWNUM is a pseudocolumn that can change each time a bit of SQL is executed (it's worked out at query time)

See if this works for you:


SELECT dog1.DogID, dog1.DogName, COUNT(*) AS rownumber
FROM #ids dog1, #ids dog2
WHERE dog2.DogName <= dog1.DogName
GROUP BY dog1.DogID, dog1.DogName
ORDER BY dog1.DogName


DogID       DogName    rownumber
----------- ---------- -----------
204         Dog 1      1
203         Dog 2      2
206         Dog 3      3
923         Dog 4      4


CREATE TABLE #ids (DogID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, DogName varchar(10) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO #ids (DogID, DogName) VALUES (204, 'Dog 1')
INSERT INTO #ids (DogID, DogName) VALUES (203, 'Dog 2')
INSERT INTO #ids (DogID, DogName) VALUES (206, 'Dog 3')
INSERT INTO #ids (DogID, DogName) VALUES (923, 'Dog 4')

In order to accomplish this, it would be best to alter the table and add a sequence. This could get sticky if you intend to delete rows. Where, perhaps a better practice would be to use a status column or and start-end-date motif to decide which rows are active and should be returned.
