PHP + HTACCESS + mod_rewrite + different length url segments

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-06 10:11:28


Right, Good afternoon all (well, it is afternoon here in the UK!)

I am in the process of writing a (PHP/MySQL) site that uses friendly URLs.

I have set up my htaccess (mod_rewrite enabled) and have a basic script that can handle "/" and then everything else is handled after "?" in the same script. I.e. I am able to work out whether a user has tried to put, or etc.

My question is how do I handle variable length URLs such as (examples): (node only) (node + seo-page-title) (node only) (node + sub-node) (node + sub-node + seo-friendly-title) (node + sub-node + seo-friendly-title) (node + query pair)

BUT, the "nodes" (first argument), "sub-nodes" (second argument) or "seo-friendly page titles" may be missing or unknown (database controlled) so I cannot put the processing in .htaccess specifically. Remember: I have already (I think!) got a working htaccess to forwards everything correctly to my PHP processing script. Everything not found will be forwarded to a CMS "404".

I think my client will have a maximum of THREE arguments (and then everything else will be after "?").

Has anyone tried this or have a place to start with a database structure or how to handle whether I have put any of the above possibilities?

I have tried in a previous project but have always had to resort to writing the CMS to force the user to have (whilst adding pages) at least a node OR a node + subnode + seo-friendly-title which I would like to get away from...

I don't want a script that will put too much strain on database searches by trying to find every single possibility of the arguments until a match is found... or is this the only way if I want to implement what I'm asking?

Many Thanks!


You can cater for different numbers of matches like this:

RewriteRule ^/([^/])* /content.php?part1=$1 [L,QSA,NC]  
RewriteRule ^/([^/])*/([^/])* /content.php?part1=$1&part2=$2 [L,QSA,NC] 
RewriteRule ^/([^/])*/([^/])/([^/])* /content.php?part1=$1&part2=$2&part3=$3 [L,QSA,NC] 

Where [ ^ / ] to matches any character other than '/' - and then because that term was enclosed in () brackets, it can be used in the re-written URL.

QSA would handle all the parameters and correctly attach them to the re-written URL.

How you match up the parts with things that you know about is up to you but I imagine that something like this would be sensible:

$knownKnodes = array(

$knownSubNodes = array(

$node = FALSE;
$subNode = FALSE;
$seoLinks = array();

if(isset($part1) == TRUE){
    if(in_array($part1, $knownNodes) == TRUE){
        $node = $part1;
        $seoLinks[] = $part1;

if(isset($part2) == TRUE){
    if(in_array($part2, $knownSubNodes) == TRUE){
        $subNode = $part2;
        $seoLinks[] = $part2;

if(isset($part3) == TRUE){
     $seoLinks[] = $part3;
if(isset($part4) == TRUE){
     $seoLinks[] = $part4;

Obviously the list of nodes and subNodes could be pulled from a DB rather than being hard-coded. The exact details of how you match up the known things with the free text is really up to you.


in wich structure does the php script get the information?

if the structure for '' is


you could check if $_GET[c] is empty; if not the real site is $_GET[b], and so one...

an other way is that $_GET[a] will return someting like 'news_article_new-article' in this case you have an unique name for DB-search

I hope I understood you right

