git difftool, winmerge with new files

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-06 09:42:17

I too seek the answer to your problem, but I offer some workarounds until that happens.

You may be able to try the --dir-diff option, which works alright, but I prefer each change opening in a separate window than having to trawl through directories until I find a difference or a new file.

git difftool --dir-diff

Another option I've been doing is to use winmerge for modified files and kdiff for new files.

git difftool -t winmerge --diff-filter=M

git difftool -t kdiff3 --diff-filter=A

Note that the above assumes you've setup the different difftool options in your .gitconfig accordingly.

Not exactly great, but also not a bad workaround. A list of diff filter options is in the documentation, there's also another post here on StackOverflow regarding how to filter git diff by type of change.

I've also actually just added these as aliases in the .gitconfig so that I can just type git dtm and git dta accordingly.
