Using .NET ConfigurationManager to read settings from a string instead of an app.config file

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-06 08:17:19

I suppose you could write your own ConfigurationSection that will then load the real config data from your central repository.

Alternatively, do you have some sort of centralized deployment system in place for installing software on your various servers? How does your service get deployed? Rather than adding complexity to your software you should look for existing tools that already solve your problem.

Although I doubt this is what it was intended for, we've done this in our project using ProtectedConfigurationProvider. Basically, this class is supposed to allow you to encrypt your configuration file but we simply have the Decrypt method connect to our database and return the configuration information. See this for notes on implementing. This felt a little hacky, but we couldn't find any other way without completely rewriting all of the configuration parsing logic.
