Newbie question on MvcContrib TestHelpers

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-06 08:04:23

You need to stub out the HttpRequest.Headers property to return a NameValueCollection that contains an entry for "X-Requested-With" with the value "XMLHttpRequest".

Here's the code I used, the code in my question at the top of the page uses MvcContrib testhelpers to create a nicely faked controller (_controller) that internally has faked versions of HttpRequest, HttpResponse etc. Then as per Patrick's advice I created a new headers collection containing an entry for X-Requested-With. Then told _controller.HttpContext.Request.headers to return my headers collection whenever it attempts to look at headers (i.e. which is what occurs when IsAjaxRequest() is called).

    var headers = new NameValueCollection();
    headers.Add("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");

    _controller.HttpContext.Request.Stub(r => r.Headers).Return(headers);

Works like a treat.
