Value of dojox.CheckedMultiSelect not being posted with dojo.xhrPost

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-06 07:14:01

I'm guessing it's a bug in CheckedMultiSelect that it doesn't carry over the 'name' attribute from the declared markup to the hidden select widget that would be used in a form submit. The dijit.form widgets have to do this in a fairly kludgy way due to some IE behavior, inserting ${nameAttrSetting} directly into the template (CheckedMultiSelect.html) at the select element. See dijit/form/templates/Button.html for an example.

CheckedMultiSelect inherits from dijit, but needs to replicate this fix in its own template, since it cannot be inherited. If this is the solution, please consider submitting a report and patch to
