Array filter returns strange results

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-06 06:59:39

The second argument to the Array.prototype.filter is the value that will be set as this to the function that is passed as a first argument.

So your code ends up to be something like:

arr.filter(function(v, i, a) {
    return"222", v, i, a);

So it basically checks if the "222" string has the properties you enumerate in the array.

From that it becomes clear why properties 0, 1 and 2 are found - since those are the indexes of the characters in the "222" string, and, say, 9 or {"abc":123} are not - since "222" string does not have such a properties.

It is the same story with the longer string, which also includes properties 4 and 6 just because it's longer.

Some examples:"222", 1); // true, because `"222"[1]` is there"222", 'foo'); // false, because `"222"['foo']` is not there

It's crystal clear from the spec

Array.prototype.filter ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] ),

If athisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of callbackfn.


var arr = [0,1,2,true,4,{"abc":123},6,7,{"def":456},9,[10]];

translates to these calls, in sequence

"2222222".hasOwnProperty(0);             // true     -> 0
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(1);             // true     -> 1
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(2);             // true     -> 2
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(true);          // false    -> 
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(4);             // true     -> 4
"2222222".hasOwnProperty({"abc":123});   // false    -> 
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(6);             // true     -> 6
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(7);             // false    -> 
"2222222".hasOwnProperty({"def":456});   // false    -> 
"2222222".hasOwnProperty(9);             // false    -> 
"2222222".hasOwnProperty([10]);          // false    -> 
                                         // filter() => [0,1,2,4,6]

The lines where it says true are because strings can be indexed into like arrays, so a string with two characters has the indexes 0 and 1 as own properties.
