I have some text file -generated periodically- which contains sql rows to be inserted to mysql using mysqlimport. One of the columns has Null value, and this column in the database is a datetime field, with default value set to Null. However after running mysql import, I got the value 0000-00-00 00:00:00 in this column, so how can I get rid of this? I want the column value to be Null as inserted.
Edit: Notes:
1) When inserting a row directly using INSERT statement, this problem doesn't occur and the column value is set to NULL normally, so this has something to do with mysqlimport
2) I use this mysqlimport: mysqlimport -u root -p<password> -h localhost --columns='<columns_orders>' --local --fields-terminated-by=',' <db_name> <file_path>
3) Sample of one row in the data file: 5964,45,0,0,NULL,45,5,8,67869,67848,65142,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,19
4) The datetime column is rails timestamp created_at
that is created via a rails migration.
If table definition allows null and defaults to NULL and your source data also contains \N then you should get NULL as expected. MySQL is not a reliable database server in many different ways, so I'd need your sources (at least some sample) to diagnostic the actual problem. May be empty string instead of \N.
There can be quick hack:
For the time being change that datetime column's type to
so that null values become empty strings.When import is complete change that column's type back to datetime and it'll give you the desired results :)