I have the following struct
data =
id: [143x1 double]
datenum: [143x1 double]
Timestamp: {143x1 cell}
Min_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
Max_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
Mean_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
Stddev_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
MeanVals_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
a0_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
a1_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
a2_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
a3_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
a4_F1_USA_40__u: [143x1 double]
So on, I have more than 50 field in the struct
I have other 3 structure with the same structure and I want to merge this struct
When I have 3 struct I will get the following structure
data =
id: [429x1 double]
datenum: [429x1 double]
Timestamp: {429x1 cell}
Min_F1_USA_40__u: [429x1 double]
Max_F1_USA_40__u: [429x1 double]
Mean_F1_USA_40__u: [429x1 double]
Stddev_F1_USA_40__u: [429x1 double]
Sorry, I had misunderstood your question - here a second try.
Maybe there is an easier way, but you can get a list of all fields in data
using mynames=fieldnames(data)
. You can then loop through them all and assign them to a common struct like this:
combineddata.(mynames{i})=[data1.(mynames{i}); data2.(mynames{i}); data3.(mynames{i})];
Here's one solution using the functions FIELDNAMES, CELLFUN, and CELL2STRUCT:
data = [data1 data2 data3 data4]; %# Create a structure array of your data
names = fieldnames(data); %# Get the field names
cellData = cellfun(@(f) {vertcat(data.(f))},names); %# Collect field data into
%# a cell array
data = cell2struct(cellData,names); %# Convert the cell array into a structure