Entity persitance inside Domain Events using a repository and Entity Framework?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-06 04:41:37
Arnis Lapsa

So where I have the do the stuff, I want to update the User object LastLoginDate and possibly log the date and time the user logged in for historical reasons.

Remembering last login date should be concern of user itself.
You already have nice extension point - user has signIn method.

My question is, would I create a new instance of my repository and context to save the changes in the handler or pass something into the Event?

User shouldn't know anything about entity framework.
Therefore - User.Events shouldn't know anything either.
Domain event handlers shouldn't know too.

Those handlers that live "outside" (e.g. in application layer) are allowed to.
But they would figure out entity framework context from elsewhere and not from user or events if necessary.

As I see it - events here are necessary for logging functionality only.

I would write something like this:

public class LoginService{
   private Users _users;
   public LoginService(Users users){
     _users = users;
   public User SignIn(string username, string password){
     var user = _users.ByUsernameAndPassword(username, password);
     return user;

public class User{
   public DateTime LastLoginDate { get; set; }      
   public void SignIn(){
     LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now;
     Raise(new SignedIn(this));
   public class SignedIn:DomainEvent<User>{
     public SignedIn(User user):base(user){}

//outside of domain model
public class OnUserSignedIn:IEventHandler<User.SignedIn>{
  public void Handle(User.SignedIn e){
    var u=e.Source;
    var message="User {0} {1} logged in on {1}"

Bad thing about this code is that service method is command and query simultaneously
(it modifies state and returns result).

I would resolve that with introducing UserContext which would be notified that user has signed in.

That would make need for returning signed in user unnecessary,
responsibility of serving current user would be shifted to UserContext.

About repository and updating Your user - I'm pretty sure entity framework is smart enough to know how to track entity state changes. At least in NHibernate - only thing I'm doing is flushing changes when httprequest finishes.
