Classic asp “An error occurred when verifying security for the message.” iis7 transport level security

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-06 03:54:33


  1. load cmd prompt
  2. CD to C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv
  3. enter: appcmd list config -section:system.webServer/asp
  4. the following path is displayed: c:\inetpub\conf\temp\ASP compiled templates
  5. check path exists (it does)
  6. Check if the NETWORK SERVICE has permissions to access "ASP compiled templates" If not from appcmd execute;

    icacls "c:\inetpub\conf\temp\ASP Compiled Templates" /grant "NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(M)"

    should read "sucessfully processed 1 files"

    restarted app pool.

THE "InvalidSecurityAn error occurred when verifying security for the message" problem still persists but the "COULD NOT CREATE A DISK CACHE SUB-DIRECORY .... " error from the eventlog is no longer occurring.

Sorry another update. The network service permission change DID NOT resolve the issue , changeing to the DEFAULT APP POOL solved the problem.

Got a lead at last. Examined:

  1. ServiceSecurityAudit set in service behaviour. Ref
  2. IIS logs (simply shows the non-specific error 500.)
  3. Fault tracing enabled( also shows error 500).
  4. Custom errors were off
  5. Friendly IE messages were off
  6. Asp client side and server side debugging on
  7. ProcessMon running , no errors.
  8. Web.config httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" /> +

ServiceSecurityAudit found me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" so sounds like our app has a bug.

Follow up (17/08/11):

Service Security Audit documented here:

Was the key for us to resolve this issue. Uncovered the Object Reference Error which indicated out Business Objects and Data Access dlls were out of alignment. Using CLASSIC ASP to contact the WCF.NET API using TRANSPORT AUTHENTICATION there was abolutely no indication of this error until Service Security Audit was enavled on the behaviour.config file in the WCF deployment.
