Custom attached events in WPF

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-06 03:32:18

You must either be not mapping the namespace, and/or attaching event like local:TagRectEvents.TagRectEnterEvent . You have to use TagRectEnter, and not TagRectEnterEvent.

Namespace mapping :


Usage :

<Button Content="Press" local:TagRectEvents.TagRectEnter="MyHandler" Margin="25,43,36,161" />

Handler :

    public void MyHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

I used your code, it works correctly here.

In order to get the attached event to show up in Intellisense, it has to be in a class that resides in a satellite assembly -- or .dll library. The easiest way to add a library is add a "WPF Custom Control Library" project to your solution. Using a Wpf control library just ensures that all the typical References will be added automatically (which they won't with a C# class library.) You can delete the CustomControl1.cs just as long as you delete its associated Style in Themes/Generic.xaml.
