Android SDK Lint tool Ignoring NewAPI warnings

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-06 03:02:40


I am running the Lint tool from Eclipse(Android SDK).

My settings are default and NewApi is set up as Error in my Android Lint Settings However, when I run Lint (by Package Explorer > Android Tools > Run Lint: Check for Common Errors.), It seems to ignore the fact that I have used API methods higher than the android:minSdkVersion in my manifest XML.

What am I doing wrong?


I tried to do the check by Lint command line tool by:

lint "C:\Android\workspace\MyProject" -- still didnot show the newAPI errors

However when I did the link check specifically for newAPI:

lint --check NewApi "C:\Android\workspace\MyProject" --- showed the expected errors

Why are NewApi errors not pointed by default?

