blocking collection process n items at a time - continuing as soon as 1 is done

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-06 02:01:50

You can easily achieve what you need using TPL Dataflow.

What you can do is use BufferBlock<T>, which is a buffer for storing you data, and link it together with an ActionBlock<T> which will consume those requests as they're coming in from the BufferBlock<T>.

Now, the beauty here is that you can specify how many requests you want the ActionBlock<T> to handle concurrently using the ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions class.

Here's a simplified console version, which processes a bunch of numbers as they're coming in, prints their name and Thread.ManagedThreadID:

private static void Main(string[] args)
    var bufferBlock = new BufferBlock<int>();

    var actionBlock =
        new ActionBlock<int>(i => Console.WriteLine("Reading number {0} in thread {1}",
                                  i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId),
                             new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions 
                                 {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5});



private static void Produce(BufferBlock<int> bufferBlock)
    foreach (var num in Enumerable.Range(0, 500))

You can also post them asynchronously if needed, using the awaitable BufferBlock.SendAsync

That way, you let the TPL handle all the throttling for you without needing to do it manually.

You can use BlockingCollection and it will work just fine, but it was built before async-await so it blocks synchronously which could be less scalable in most cases.

You're better off using async ready TPL Dataflow as Yuval Itzchakov suggested. All you need is an ActionBlock that processes each item concurrently with a MaxDegreeOfParallelism of 5 and you post your work to it synchronously (block.Post(item)) or asynchronously (await block.SendAsync(item)):

private static void Main()
    var block = new ActionBlock<Job>(
        async job => await job.ProcessAsync(),
        new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5});

    for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        block.Post(new Job());

Ned Stoyanov

You could do this with a SemaphoreSlim like in this answer, or using ForEachAsync like in this answer.
