SQL Insert with data from multiple tables

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-06 00:23:08
  (Category, Status, Level, MessageText, [Order]) 
  (SELECT TOP 1 [Identity] from MessageCategory where Code='Cat01')  AS Category,
  (SELECT TOP 1 [Identity] from MessageStatus where Code='Status01') AS Status,
  (SELECT TOP 1 [Identity] from MessageLevel where Code='Level01')   AS Level,
  (SELECT 'Just some message')   AS MessageText, 
  (SELECT 1)                     AS [Order]

The above would work for SQL Server. Note that both Identity and Order are reserved T-SQL keywords and should not be used for column names. Also note that sub-queries must not return more than one row for this to work, to ensure that I have included TOP 1 statements.

The next thing to note is that the column aliases (AS Category etc.) are not strictly necessary. Their order is what counts. I would include them for readability, especially when the SELECT list gets longer.

If it's a single script, store your identities in variables:

declare MessageCategoryID int;
declare MessageStatusID int;
declare MessageLevel int;
INSERT INTO MessageCategory (Code) Values ('Cat01');
set @MessageCategoryID=scope_identity();
INSERT INTO MessageStatus (Code) Values ('Status01');
set @MessageStatudID=scope_identity();
INSERT INTO MessageLevel (Code) Values ('Level01');
set @MessageLevelID=scope_identity();

INSERT INTO Messages(Category, Status, Level, MessageText, Order) 
        'Just some message',