I want to set two different colors in UIButton
background. I know how to set one color or border and etc. But I don't know how to set two different colors in the background. I show the example. I use Swift 2
You can use a gradient with 2 pair of repeating colours:
let gradient: CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradient.frame = button.bounds
gradient.colors = [
/* repeat the central location to have solid colors */
gradient.locations = [0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
/* make it horizontal */
gradient.startPoint = CGPointMake(0, 0.5)
gradient.endPoint = CGPointMake(1, 0.5)
button.layer.insertSublayer(gradient, atIndex: 0)
You can change the orientation playing with the start/end points:
gradient.startPoint = CGPointMake(0, 0)
gradient.endPoint = CGPointMake(1, 1)
You can use CAGradientLayer
to make it
let layer : CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
layer.frame.size = button.frame.size
layer.startPoint = CGPointZero
layer.endPoint = CGPointMake(1, 0)
let colorGreen = UIColor.greenColor().CGColor
let colorBlack = UIColor.blackColor().CGColor
layer.colors = [colorGreen, colorGreen, colorBlack, colorBlack]
layer.locations = [0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]
button.layer.insertSublayer(layer, atIndex: 0)