dplyr - mutate_each - colswise coercion to POSIXlt fails

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-05 22:53:23

Revisiting my question about 4 years later, I realised that I forgot to mark it as answered. However, this also gives me the chance to document how this (relatively) simple type coercion can (meanwhile) elegantly solved with dplyr and lubridate.

Key lesson learned:

  1. never use POSIXlt with a data frame (and its later brother tibble, although you can now work with list columns).
  2. coerce date-timestamps with the helpful parser functions from the lubridate package.

For the example from above

MVT_TIME_UTC <- c("01-Jan-2013 04:02:24", NA,"01-Jan-2013 04:08:18", NA,"01-Jan-2013   04:17:11","01-Jan-2013 04:21:52")
flights <- data.frame(ICAO_ADEP, MVT_TIME_UTC)

flights <- flights %>% mutate(MVT_TIME_UTC = lubridate::dmy_hms(MVT_TIME_UTC)

will coerce the timestamps in MVT_TIME_UTC. Check the documentation on lubridate for other parsers and/or how to handle local time zones.
