SVN Pre Commit Hooks

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-05 21:05:52

findstr returns 0 if something has been found, and 1 if nothing has been found. You just inverted your check.

No batch-foo required, even on Windows the shell is interactive, so you can try it out alive:

>dir | findstr ".sln"
15.01.2009  16:37            33.844 Project.sln


>dir | findstr ".slngimpf"


Btw, it easier to write

if errorlevel 0 andthencontinuewithwhatever

This way you script is also stable against the ominous:

set errorlevel=0

which will then destroy any future attempt to print out the errorlevel with %errorlevel% in a correct way.

(edit) Important note: I forgot to say that the if errorlevel syntax checks whether the errorlevel is greater or equal to the value being tested for. So to correctly use it, you must always check for the highest error first, like:

if errorlevel 10 ...
if errorlevel 9 ...
if errorlevel 0 ...

Not exactly the answer you are looking for, but you can block all *.suo files with the global-ignores option.
