Entity Framework mapping two table columns to same related table Key

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-05 20:35:47

Instead of...

Divergence d = new Divergence();
d.Element1 = element1;
d.Element2 = element2;


... you could actually use:

element1.Elements = new List<Element>();
// if that collection isn't already instantiated, for example in the constructor


This will create exactly the same SQL INSERT statements to the link table without the need of having a Divergence entity. (Change tracking will recognize that you changed the relationship by adding an item to the collection and infer the necessary SQL commands from this change. element1 and element2 must be attached to the context in state Unchanged, but that is also required for your original code in order to work correctly.)

Also, instead of ...

Element e = Database.Elements.Single(e => e.ElementId == 7);
var divergences = e.Divergences;

... you can fetch the columns from the Divergences table like so:

var divergences = Database.Elements.Where(e => e.ElementId == 7)
    .SelectMany(e1 => e1.Elements.Select(e2 => new
        ElementId1 = e1.ElementId,
        ElementId2 = e2.ElementId,

So, you will get your desired results without the Divergence entity and honestly I would use it this way. I'm not aware of a way to force EF to create that entity with database first approach, unless you introduce some artificial additional column like you did. If there is a way it is probably a hack or more difficult to achieve and maintain than just working with EF's default, that is without a Divergence entity.

However, you could consider to remove one of the collections (just delete it in the model surface). Having both is a bit confusing in this model in my opinion. Or at least rename them to SourceElements and TargetElements for example :)
