Duplicate triple in RDF, authoritative view?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-05 20:29:26

An RDF triple store is a set of triples, so the same triple cannot be present twice, by definition. However, most rdf stores are actually quad stores (sets of rdf graphs also known as datasets) and in that case, the triple may appear multiple times. That is sometimes called context, depending on the store (eg mine, Redland). Authority is really up to the user to define what meaning a particular graph name/context name has.

One should keep in mind that any particular triple may have different metadata than other - otherwise identical - triples. Metadata such as the original source of the triple, possible strength of connection information, etcetera. It may also be feasible to merely count the number of copies of a triple in order to judge the relative strength of a connection compared to other possible contradictory connections. So, as always, it all depends upon what you intend to do with your data.

RDF is a language for expressing factual claims, organized and grouped into graphs. If a graph contains "Alice is a Person" twice, that's just redundant. So within a graph, triples are normalised; there's no point in repeating them. However applications, stores and SPARQL-queriable systems will often collect factual claims from different sources. The SPARQL language has the 'GRAPH' keyword for when you want to take a multi-graph perspective and look for the same triple in different sources.
