Cleave is a really useful combinator for minimising code duplication. Suppose I want to classify Abundant, Perfect, Deficient numbers:
USING: arrays assocs combinators formatting io kernel math
math.order math.primes.factors math.ranges sequences ;
IN: adp
CONSTANT: ADP { "deficient" "perfect" "abundant" }
: proper-divisors ( n -- seq )
dup zero? [ drop { } ] [ divisors dup length 1 - head ] if ;
: adp-classify ( n -- a/d/p )
dup proper-divisors sum <=>
{ +lt+ +eq+ +gt+ } ADP zip
H{ } assoc-clone-like at ;
: range>adp-classes ( n -- seq )
1 swap 1 <range> [ adp-classify ] map
ADP dup
[ = ] curry
[ count ] curry
] map
cleave 3array
] dip
swap zip H{ } assoc-clone-like ;
: print-adp-stats ( seq -- )
[ dup [ swap at ] dip swap "%s: %s" sprintf ] curry
] map cleave
[ print ] tri@ ;
does not compile because "cannot apply cleave to a run-time computed value".
If I can't use cleave, then I have to essentially do:
[ [ [ "deficient" = ] count ]
[ [ "abundant" = ] count ]
[ [ "perfect" = ] count ]
] dip
Which is lame and longer, and would get really ugly and long if the array of key-strings was longer. Also, importantly, doing it without cleave is impossible if the array of keys is generated at run-time.
Similarly for print-adp-stats
: without cleave
I would have to have this literal lying around in my source:
[ "deficient" dup [ swap at ] dip swap "%s: %s" sprintf ]
[ "perfect" dup [ swap at ] dip swap "%s: %s" sprintf ]
[ "abundant" dup [ swap at ] dip swap "%s: %s" sprintf ]
Is there a combinator to replace cleave
for run-time computed values? Can I minimise the ugly duplication some other way, while still allowing computation at run-time?
is likely not the right answer here. When Factor says cannot apply SOMETHING to a run-time computed value most often it means something can be written better. I think here you want to replace cleave
with histogram:
IN: scratchpad 100 [ { "abundant" "deficient" "perfect" } random ] replicate
--- Data stack:
H{ { "deficient" 33 } { "perfect" 30 } { "abundant" 37 } }