Faster edit distance algorithm [closed]

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-05 13:00:21

You can calculate edit distance in O(min(n, m) * s) time use next simple idea:

Consider the i-th string in DP-table.

So, if we know, that answer <= s, then we are intersted in cells with coordinates (i, i - s), (i, i - s + 1), ... ,(i, i + s). Because in other cells answer strictly greater than s.

For example, suppose we know, that edit distance between "abacaba" and "baadba" less than 3.

So, we can skip red cells, because they have value more than s.

Asymptotic of the algorithm O(min(n, m) * s) because we calculate s cells to the left and right of the main diagonal.
